Monday, March 12, 2007

Little Hands and Little Toes

It has been a wonderful season of little hands and little toes, it is newborn season!

People ask me all the time, how I have the patience with newborns, since they're so unpredictable, and well, sometimes fussy and a bit messy, and always hungry..... And what I tell them, is that I know who's the boss... and respect that.. .and the boss is the baby now! So the baby rules the roost, and I go with it! I grab shots between feedings, and cuddling and hushing and swaddling... :) I truly love this time because they change so much in the first few weeks of their life!
Meet baby "B", who came early, but gave grandma enough time to make it to the hospital to witness the birth!. Beautiful baby boy with tufts of hair!